Digital Journal for Philology
Textpraxis is a project of doctoral candidates in the Graduate School Practices of Literature at the department 09 of the University of Münster. Since the beginning of the conception phase in spring 2009, Textpraxis is supported and assisted by Prof. Dr. Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf (German philology) and Prof. Dr. Sophie Wennerscheid (Scandinavian literature and culture) from the University of Ghent.
The founding of Textpraxis was financially supported by the innovation fund at the University of Münster. The innovation fund strengthens the research profile of the WWU. Textpraxis is one of the ›excellent research projects‹ of students, it’s support is possible through the innovation fund’s guidelines. In addition, Textpraxis is financially supported by the Graduate School Practices of Literature.
The service point for digital services at the University and State Library Münster supports Textpraxis with the institutional integration of the journal in library catalogs and databases. With help of the University and State Library, Textpraxis is also provided and archived by MIAMI (»Münstersches Informations- und Archivsystem für multimediale Inhalte«), an information and archive system for multimedia content. With the publications and document server MIAMI, the University and State Library Münster supports the idea and the development of Open Access, completely in line with Textpraxis.
Textpraxis is based on the content management system Backdrop CMS. Olaf Grabienski (buerobackbord, Hamburg) is responsible for the design of Textpraxis.