Digital Journal for Philology
Special Issue # 7 (2.2023)
Which projects in literary theory are currently being pursued in the German-speaking world? This special issue of the open-access journal »Textpraxis. Digital Journal for Philology« presents ongoing or recently completed research projects in short articles with the aim of making current research in literary theory more visible and to stimulate networking, cooperation, and debate.
The special issue Wer macht was in der Literaturtheorie? presents current research projects in literary theory. By way of introduction, we provide a systematizing overview of the contributions to the volume and point out general tendencies and connections between the projects.
Interpretations of longer literary texts are skillfully selective: they emphasize certain passages and neglect others. How does this selection process proceed and how would a theory of interpretation have to be conceived in order to adequately take into account the practice of skillfully focusing attention?
Taking the fundamental narratological importance of events in their constitutive function for narrative texts as a starting point, the project “Evaluating Events in Narrative Theory” (EvENT) develops an approach to model events on the surface of a text and therefore in a machine-readable way. This paper outlines completed stages and selected results of the project, which include the generation of narrativity graphs.
This paper presents the CAUTION project, which approaches the narrative phenomenon of unreliable narration by means of various computational methods (automatic and manual annotation, argument visualization, and deep learning). The project contributes to answering theoretically and methodologically relevant questions about unreliable narration, but also about literary interpretation in general, as well as about the potential of computer-assisted approaches in this context.
This article presents the ArguLit project, which is dedicated to researching the practice of interpretation in literary studies. The guiding question of the project is: which argumentative strategies and means of presentation are used to make interpretative theses plausible.
This paper outlines a project that investigates the generation of implicit assertions in literary fictions, i.e., propositions related to the real world that a respective work of fiction suggests without explicitly formulating them. The project combines questions of literary theory with methods from the field of digital humanities.
Do literary scholars strive for truth in their interpretive texts? The monograph presented here, »Wie hast Du’s mit der Wahrheit?«, argues why they don’t.
This article introduces a dissertation project developed at the Münster Collaborative Research Center 1385 Law and Literature, the starting point of which is the occasional collision between personal rights and artistic freedom. Specifically, the question of to what extent fictional texts can violate personal rights is discussed.
The article outlines the current state of motif research and, based on this, develops an operationalizable concept of motifs, a typology of literary motifs, and a set of analytical tools that makes the narrative core of motifs recognizable and does justice to its various dimensions. In this way, the article seeks to summarize the results of various research and publication projects at the Universities of Bremen and Duisburg-Essen since 2017.
The thesis that art is a model of reality proves to be heuristically fruitful when advanced in terms of model theory. In the context of digital narratives that replace readings with decisions and shape narrative actions by means of artificial intelligence, literary model research investigates the control mechanisms of a literary system and then examines the extent to which these become significant for the poetology of the respective (digital or classical-analog) representational format and achieve the status of a discursive directive.
The aim of the dissertation project »Aesthetic Appreciation and Literature« is to answer the question: ›What is aesthetic appreciation?‹. To this end, recent theories of ›analytical‹ philosophical aesthetics related to the areas of ›aesthetic value‹, ›aesthetic experience‹ and ›aesthetic appreciation‹ are discussed.
This dissertation project investigates how the aesthetic properties of literary texts can be captured and appreciated using a hermeneutic method. This paper outlines how the project combines different approaches of hermeneutics and analytical aesthetics for this purpose.
This research project is dedicated to the definition of media-induced tension and examines linguistic and narrative factors that condition readers’ perception of tension.
The project deals with the visual dimension of poetry and the possibility of its analytical description. For this purpose, the arrangement of verses and words, markings and other typographic structures of non-experimental poems since the end of the 18th century are investigated within the framework of model analyses.
The study presented here develops a theory of ›lyrical self-expression‹ and critically reviews and evaluates related research positions. Contrary to common assumptions in literary studies, lyrical texts can be factual and refer to authors. For such cases, the study provides a conceptual toolkit, which it tests with example analyses.
The article presents the theoretical proposals that the Bonn Research Training Group »Gegenwart/Literatur. Geschichte, Theorie und Praxeologie eines Verhältnisses« is developing. In addition to the fundamental theorization and historicization of the relationship between ›present‹ and ›literature‹, the focus is on the consequences of the »practice turn« for contemporary/literature research, the theoretical foundations of its intellectual historiography, and especially the significance of referencing.
Often normative descriptions of theatrical texts are particularly shaped by material and spatial metaphors, which have a lasting impact on the perception of drama as a form. The aim of this research project is to trace the epistemic practices of theater text theory in order to critically reflect on its implicit set of thought patterns, linguistic images, and modes of access.
New literary studies methods are needed to address the changing and ephemeral nature of literature emerging in digital media. This paper outlines the difficulties faced by literary studies in this regard and proposes to look to the methods of dance and theater studies for methodological approaches that incorporate the specifics of digital literature.
Bestandsaufnahme – Aktualisierungen – Tendenzen
Based on a noticeable upswing in newer approaches to theories critical of anthropocentrism, this article outlines related questions that focus on a possible need for modification of underlying premises, possibilities of functional differentiation and classification, and the relationship to 'established' literary theories.
The term ›postmigration‹ represents a contemporary condition in the German-speaking world that is receiving equal attention and application in the arts, culture, and academia. This article explores the question of how the postmigrant perspective can be made useful as a category of analysis for cultural and, in particular, literary studies.
Under what conditions do claims of knowledge gain validity or not? This question is being investigated by the interdisciplinary research network »Wissensgeltung« at the University of Heidelberg. Aspects of the network’s research that are relevant to literary theory are presented here on the basis of a study of contemporary literary criticism guided by the question »What is literature worth?«.
The DFG network brings together literary studies, theatre studies, and artistic research in order to productively advance theoretical research into contemporary German drama. The aim is to search for new impulses for a contemporary theatre text theory in a transdisciplinary manner and to intensify the analytical exchange on contemporary drama.
In literary studies, the development and use of digital methods raises new questions of a literary-theoretical nature. The DHd AG Digital Humanities Theory addresses these questions in the context of digital humanities and cultural studies, sees itself as a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, and supports research by creating conceptual offerings and reflexive points of access.
The event series »Forum Literaturtheorie« offers a discussion platform where research projects in the field of literary theory can be presented and discussed together with others.