Digital Journal for Philology
As reviewer for Textpraxis it is your job to offer constructive criticism with your expertise for the assigned article. Unlike in the anonymized peer-review procedure, your criticism is not communicated by the editorial team, you are in direct and personal contact with the authors of the respective articles. This also means that you, if necessary, additionally review the revised version of the text instead of giving just one feedback on the presented article. The reviewers are not named in the article with publication of the text, but are listed in the respective legal notice of every issue.
If you would like to be a reviewer for Textpraxis, please send us a message with information regarding your previous work, your key research areas, your publications and projects. Young researchers are also explicitly invited to participate.
The review process is not aimed at the acceptation or refusal of an article, but should improve the quality of the contributions in several respects: regarding their scientific argumentation and relevance, their stylistic accuracy and their interdisciplinary comprehensibility.
If you have questions or suggestions regarding the reviewing process, please contact the editorial team via our contact form.